Sunday, February 22, 2004
Here are some links to blog opinions on the gay marriage matter:
Rule of Law Opinion.
Answer to Gay Mariage/Polygomy/Slippery Slope Argument.
Random Opinion.
More on Rule of Law.
Right Wing Opinion.
Wednesday, February 18, 2004
No examples of a dilemma (offereing an opponent two bad choices)
Dirimens copulatio:Balancing two statements, sometime contrary to one another.
Distincto:Clearing any ambiguity about a word by stating its exact meaning or discounting any others. I am not sure if this one is in this speech, either.
Sunday, February 15, 2004
Acyron:The use of a word contrary to its original meaning.
Adage:Traditional expression of convential wisdom, a saying.
Adagium:Same as above.
Avancer:Arranging words in a sequence of increasing force.
Asteismus:Gentle mocking, throwing back an argument or word.
Astrothesia: Vivid description of the stars.
Monday, February 09, 2004
No astrothesia in this speech.

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