Tuesday, March 23, 2004
Here are some arguments I feel we should include in our speech:
1) Anyone who applies for coverage under the Living Rights Bill can, and should, share partner benefits regardless of marriage status. One partner at a time, though.
2) Marriage is no longer as sacred as it once was, and it should not receive the privileged economic status it now does. It will still be protected as a God-sanctioned rite.
3) This bill will lessen the burden on the government to support those who live on their own, ultimately lessening the burden on your wallet.
4) Gays who take advantage of this would not be defiling the sanctity of marriage since they would not be receiving the benefits through marriage. They would simply be taking advantage of something that anyone who is willing to enter into a contract would be able to partake in.
Friday, March 12, 2004
Although I had to leave early, I can sum up our meeting fairly easily. We had the idea that we would avoid that gay rights issue (due to a uncompromising constituency) by turning marriage into a states-rights issue. Gilbie didn't like that because he said it didn't answer any questions about gay marriage at all. It was avoiding to problem. So he came up with the idea to push partner benefits for all, not just gay couples. He suggested using the "two little-old-ladies" argument. This basically says that if two people live together for a long period of time, they should be able to file for "partner" benefits. Sounds good.
Tuesday, March 02, 2004
Found two uses of Restictio, but no Rhetorical questions.
Monday, March 01, 2004
Completely forgot to list my figures.
meiosis: Reference to something with a title less than what it really is worth, an understatement.
membrum:Like a clause, uses a semi-colon or lists different sentences.
mempsis: Express complaint, seek help.
Sunday, February 22, 2004
Here are some links to blog opinions on the gay marriage matter:
Rule of Law Opinion.
Answer to Gay Mariage/Polygomy/Slippery Slope Argument.
Random Opinion.
More on Rule of Law.
Right Wing Opinion.
Wednesday, February 18, 2004
No examples of a dilemma (offereing an opponent two bad choices)
Dirimens copulatio:Balancing two statements, sometime contrary to one another.
Distincto:Clearing any ambiguity about a word by stating its exact meaning or discounting any others. I am not sure if this one is in this speech, either.
Sunday, February 15, 2004
Acyron:The use of a word contrary to its original meaning.
Adage:Traditional expression of convential wisdom, a saying.
Adagium:Same as above.
Avancer:Arranging words in a sequence of increasing force.
Asteismus:Gentle mocking, throwing back an argument or word.
Astrothesia: Vivid description of the stars.

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